There is a vast number of sources which I use, as well as other professionals, to gather and organize information, ever expanding by the evolution of web based technologies. As a Dance Teacher I need reliable and up to date sources to ensure I maintain the standard of a professional and experienced Teacher. Different sources have different strengths and weaknesses, value and relativity hence why it is essential for me to be able to distinguish between the information needed and the source applicable or suitable to use for that particular type of information.
The Web
Undoubtedly the Internet is a significant source of information. I use the internet for numerous reasons:
- Searching for Jobs
- Research
- Inspiration- Both for work and for my personal life too
- Shopping
- Keeping in contact with others
- World and local news
- BAPP!!
If I don't know or understand something I know I can research on the Web, sift through to find a credible source and discover an answer or solution whether that may be simply by searching on Google or interactively through social networks ie Facebook/Blogs. I use social networking to stay in touch with affiliations I have made and be part of new ones. It is a way of learning through others experiences which you have not come to know yourself. Although information from the Web can be factual simply by reading text, articles and illustrations, the Web has also now become interactive, an almost 'live' source of information when you can find answers in forums, chat rooms and continually active sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I believe the web is a means to experience and information is now not only available for perusal but also for live conversation, discussion and debate.
The internet is a fast way of networking which allows me to send out CV's, Applications and emails for opportunities and get things done instantly. Although society still uses postal services, which will always remain necessary, it can be quicker, easier and globally accessible to use the Web to send a quick email rather than write a letter, send it and wait for the recipient to reply and send a response. Many companies also work electronically so a letter is simply added paper to their pile of things to do.
I depend on the Web for downloading and listening to music which not only inspires creativity and sparks choreographic ideas, supporting my professional practice, but also keeps me 'current' and 'fresh' for my students. Music is something I couldn't live without, whether it's listening in the car, whilst cycling, at the gym or at home, festivals and live gigs, music supports my emotions and has the power to change your mind set, particularly if you are having a bad day! The internet allows me access to all this!
Face to Face Interaction
Meeting with other professionals,colleagues and friends is invaluable in terms of informing my practice. My close friends who know about the Arts can be very resourceful as with my best interests at heart they offer advice, tips and knowledge of opportunities. Similarly to Claire Radford's blog, "I make a conscious effort to build working relationships as I feel it not only makes your professional life more manageable but more enjoyable too." Colleagues who I cooperate and affiliate with also share knowledge which is beneficial to me professionally. Before starting BAPP for example I had spoken to a colleague about her experience on the course and from that decided that it was something I wanted to do also. Employers who are more experienced than I also enlighten me to numerous things I should be aware of as a professional, specifically, information on safeguarding children, policies or regulations.
Family, who like friends are looking out and supporting you, have have been a huge source of information. In particular my mum who would help write out interview questions, search for job opportunities and vacancies and proof read essential documentation or applications.
Undeniably a part of my social life is taken up with dance, as although it is my profession, it is also something I am passionate about and find great enjoyment in seeing performances. Whether they be smaller un/semi professional works or whether that be a show on West End or touring Company, I like to take the time to see and experience what's going on around me in the Arts world. Viewing performances is a crucial source of learning for me not only presented new information but also inspiring your own ideas and creativity. It also gives me guide as a Teacher to the level of talent and dance ability out there in younger children thus influencing my own classes and teaching dynamics.
The Media can be a great source to find out about local classes, new dance schools opening, whats happening in your local area in the Arts, and keeping up to date with what is going on in the world!!
Media can of course be discussed in different areas, I also watch and read articles on line and through You Tube such as my previous post regarding #paythedancers however simply the amount of information you can abstract from a local or national newspaper is outstanding. I remember when the concept of Barre Yoga sprouted which is a class combining exercises from the Ballet barre and Yoga. I read in the 'Cambridge Evening News' new classes had started in a dance school near me and they were advertising a free trial lesson as an incentive.
I also find value in reading, the old fashioned way, not on a kindle but a paper back book. I rarely find the time these days but I always regard what I am reading whether fictional or not, a source of information, an inspiration, reawakening mental creativity and most of all simply making you think.
Personal Accounts
Although I never kept a diary or blog, I like to look back on photographs, videos, and my own pieces of work and analyse myself both then and now. From making comparisons and noting any differences, I can see my progression and also any lapses in my development. I have learnt a lot about myself through looking back at old photographs and asking why was I so happy/sad at that time? What was good in my life, what wasn't? A scrap book for me is a great way to record a certain time in your life and later when you look back and read it again sometimes you are surprised about what you had forgotten and what had changed.
So there are my top 5 most important sources of information. The vast amount of information at hand and the numerous ways to source this means that as professionals we should find a way to organize the results of our research and always consider the credibility of a source before settling for the first answer you discover. When sourcing information it is essential to remember alongside credibility; copyright and confidentiality issues, particularly a common problem when researching from the internet. Personally, I believe if you research thoroughly you will notice any obsolete information 1. If it is not backed up with other sources 2. If the information found is contrasting to your further research 3. Whether the site is regarded ' Official' or not, although this is not always easy.
Currently there are sources of information which I feel I manage quite well. My research for tasks on this course is highlighted, noted and filed in a ring binder with any course notes I have made so that If I need to refer back to a particular task I have everything there right in front of me. I am one for printing and filing rather than reading off a computer screen!! Similarly with my emails, I have separate folders for my inbox allowing me to quickly access and find information. On the other hand, there are definitely ways to improve and progress. I have considered creating a separate personal and professional Facebook and Email. As I am currently Teaching in a new school and working on summer show pieces, a professional Facebook page would allow me to comment and post on the school page which the children use to post their rehearsals and performances and fellow Teachers use to praise or thank their class for working hard! It is definitely something I am considering at the moment.